Nonprofit owner hopes to find new leader for Jessica’s Closet 

Jessica Bolognani, left, at age 17, posing with Mia Codogni, right, who was 4 years old at the time. Jessica died at the age of 18 in 2010. She was the inspiration behind Jessica’s Closet, a low-cost rental boutique run by her mother, Debbie Bolognani. Photo courtesy of Debbie Bolognani

WILMINGTON - Debbie Bolognani is hoping to secure a next chapter for Jessica’s Closet.
Jessica’s Closet is a boutique-style dress rental service that allows girls and women to borrow dresses for big events such as the prom, a wedding, or another event. Bolognani was inspired to create Jessica’s Closet in the wake of the death of her daughter, Jessica Bolognani, at the age of 18 in 2010. 

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